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A recent report sounded a worrisome alarm — the weight problem in the United States, which is already serious, is expected to affect nearly 260 million Americans by 2050 unless people take action. As healthcare professionals, our team at Rockwall Surgical Specialists understands all too well some of the many...
A hernia is a catchall term for any tissue that bulges out of the cavity that contains it, often through a weak spot. This occurrence is extremely common — hiatal hernias, for example, have an estimated prevalence of 15% to 20% of the general population. And prevalence is tied to...
Facing surgery a half-century ago was a much riskier proposition because most procedures were open — meaning the surgeon had to make larger incisions for manual and visual access. Today, doctors’ hands and eyes are helped and enhanced by cutting edge technology, including lighted cameras and specialized tools that allow...
About 70,000 people each year in the United States receive a diagnosis of an inflammatory bowel disease like Crohn’s disease. This sets these patients on a journey with which you are likely all too familiar. While management tools and treatments for Crohn’s disease continue to improve, complications are hard to...
It isn’t for lack of trying that you’re still carrying too many unhealthy pounds. You embark on a diet and exercise regimen with good intentions, only to be left frustrated with little to show for your efforts. Or, worse, you end up gaining back your weight, plus some more, which...
You’re tired of living in fear of a painful gallbladder attack, and you want to put an end to the problem, once and for all. That is the primary benefit of gallbladder removal surgery, which is one of the most common general surgeries in the United States — about 600,000...
Your thyroid gland has enlarged and you’ve been diagnosed with goiter, which affects up to 5% of Americans. A thyroid goiter diagnosis on its own isn’t necessarily cause for alarm, and many people are unaware that the goiter even exists. For the 93,000 people who undergo a thyroidectomy each year...
If you count yourself among the millions of Americans who have diverticular disease — 30% of adults ages 50-59 and 70% of those over 80 have diverticulosis — and you want to know what the road ahead might look like, you’ve come to the right place. Our team of general...
When you walk down any pharmacy aisle in the stomach/digestive section, you realize that Americans are no strangers to acid reflux. And the numbers back this up — 60 million Americans experience acid reflux at least once a month, and 15 million Americans deal with heartburn on a daily basis....
It’s not often that we can truly call something a life-saving act, but getting a colonoscopy sure can be. Colorectal cancers will be diagnosed in more than 150,000 men and women in the United States this year; unfortunately, slightly more than 53,000 Americans will lose their lives to these cancers...
Year after year, you resolve to lose weight, and, just as the year before, you fall woefully short of your goals. And on and on this cycle goes, leaving you feeling defeated, exhausted, and frustrated. If you’re tired of the hamster wheel of ineffective dieting and you want to lose...
Each year, about 1 million Americans are diagnosed with gallstones. One-quarter of these people will require treatment at some point, which almost always means surgery. If you’re part of that group and you’re facing a cholecystectomy, which is the medical term for gallbladder removal surgery, you want to know what...
Your appendix isn’t an organ you give much thought to, but it can certainly grab your attention when there’s a problem. Each year in the United States, doctors perform more than 300,000 appendectomies, the go-to treatment for appendicitis — an infection in your appendix. Because appendicitis can lead to potentially...
Hernia surgeries are among the most commonly performed surgeries in the United States. Each year, 1 million people — mostly men — undergo surgery to repair an inguinal hernia, bringing them much-needed relief. While not everyone who has a hernia needs surgery, inguinal hernias can get to the point where repair...
Itis — when this four-letter suffix is attached to the end of a word, it indicates infection or inflammation, neither of which are health conditions you should take lightly. Anytime there’s an infection in your body, the potential exists for serious complications, which is certainly true of diverticulitis. When it...
You’ve been struggling to lose weight on your own, with little to show for your efforts. So you’ve decided that weight loss surgery is going to offer you the best chance for success. But as the more than 260,000 people who opt for weight loss surgery each year in the United States can tell...
Perhaps you’ve taken a very important step toward safeguarding your health and undergone a colonoscopy with us. While you’re relieved to put that screening in your rearview mirror, you’re concerned about the fact that we found, and removed, one or more polyps. Or maybe you haven’t gone through a colonoscopy yet, and...
You’ve developed some ongoing heartburn and you’re not sure why — you’ve never had the problem before. One suspect to put at the top of your list is a hiatal hernia, a condition that affects approximately 55%-60% of people over age 50. Thankfully, this common type of hernia is often asymptomatic,...
When your thyroid gland overproduces thyroid hormones, the problem can often be tricky to identify. Some of the side effects of hyperthyroidism can be very subtle, or the symptoms may be incorrectly attributed to another health issue. This is one of the main reasons why 60% of people with thyroid...
Your gallbladder isn’t likely an organ you give much thought to, until something goes wrong. When a problem crops up and you develop gallbladder disease, the symptoms can be tough to ignore. To help you recognize the signs of gallbladder disease, our team of general surgeons at Rockwall Surgical Specialists...
If you take a walk through a pharmacy, you quickly realize how common acid reflux is because entire aisles are devoted to antacids and other remedies. About 20% of the US population has gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which is a chronic problem with acid reflux. In most cases, medications and...
Goiter is a condition that describes an abnormal enlargement in your thyroid gland, and it’s fairly common. Goiter affects about 5% of the population in the United States. From these simple facts, however, the condition gets far more complex as goiter can be caused by a number of different issues...
All too often, serious medical issues take people by surprise, leaving little to no time to respond. So when you have the ability to screen for a disease, you shouldn’t pass up the chance. Each year in the United States, more than 150,000 men and women are diagnosed with colorectal cancer. And...
The rate of obesity in the United States is rising — going from a little more than 30% of the population in 2000 to nearly 42% in 2020. Not coincidentally, the number of weight loss surgeries performed each year in the US is also rising, but not nearly enough — only 1%...
An unhealthy gut can have a fairly large impact on your life, from causing considerable discomfort to placing limits on your activities. If you want to avoid problems like diarrhea, constipation, acid reflux, and gas, you need to take a close look at your diet. Whether you want to avoid...
Your appendix is one of those body parts that you don’t give much thought to until something goes wrong, and things can go terribly wrong with this organ. Each year, about a quarter-million people in the United States, mostly between ages 20 and 30, develop acute appendicitis, which we consider a medical...
You feel a lump in your breast that you’re sure wasn’t there before, and your mind immediately jumps to breast cancer. For women, this reaction is justified if you consider that they have a 13% lifetime risk of developing breast cancer. The fact is that breast lumps are common in women, and...
To answer the question the title of this blog poses about whether surgery is the only answer for gallstones, let’s take a look at some numbers. Of the 1 million people diagnosed with gallstones each year in the United States, only a quarter of them require treatment, which usually includes surgery. While...
Whether quality of life issues or serious health concerns are prompting you to undergo weight loss surgery, you feel good about taking this important step. With that decision made, it’s time to look at your options when it comes to bariatric surgery. At Rockwall Surgical Specialists, our expert providers offer...
You need to undergo a surgical procedure to improve your health, and you’d like to make sure the process goes as smoothly as possible. While some people might think that the heavy lifting lies with the surgeon, your role is also important, especially in how you prepare. The surgery experts at Rockwall Surgical...
The title of this month’s blog asks whether hiatal hernias can heal on their own, and the answer is a simple no. In fact, no hernia, once it has developed, can heal by itself. But they can exist without incident. If, however, your hiatal hernia has become problematic and it’s...
Globally, acid reflux is the most common gastrointestinal issue, affecting 20% of the adult population in Western countries. Closer to home, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) affects more than one-quarter of the adult population in the United States. If you’re among these numbers, we want to help. While the highly experienced team here at Rockwall Surgical Specialists excels in...
You’ve been diagnosed with a hernia, and you’re wondering what the next steps entail. In many cases, but not all, a surgical hernia repair may be your best course of action, especially if the hernia is problematic or symptomatic. Should you opt for this procedure, it might be helpful to...
When it comes to evaluating your weight, one of the first assessments is the body mass index (BMI) calculator, which measures the amount of fat in your body based on your height and weight. The calculation is very basic and doesn’t take into account a lot of information, but it...
The collective general health may have taken a backseat to the pandemic, but now it’s time to catch up, and a colonoscopy is a great step toward that wellness goal. Colorectal cancers claim more than 52,000 lives each year in the United States, a number that has been steadily declining over the...
Your battle to lose weight has likely been a years-long effort with frustratingly little in terms of results. Now that you’ve made the decision to undergo bariatric surgery, your efforts shouldn’t end there. There are steps you can take to prepare for this type of surgery that can greatly ease...
You likely don’t give your thyroid much thought, until something goes wrong and your thyroid hormone levels are out of balance. At this point, you begin to truly appreciate the incredibly large role that your thyroid plays in your overall health and wellness. As part of our educational efforts, the...
You’ve been told that you need to be screened for the presence of potentially problematic polyps in your colon or you’ve already had a colonoscopy during which polyps were found. So you understand that there’s a connection between polyps and colorectal cancer, but what is this link, exactly? To shed...
Each year in the United States, 250,000 people are afflicted with appendicitis. It can be a life-threatening medical problem if it’s not treated promptly. To help you recognize the signs of appendicitis, the surgical team here at Rockwall Surgical Specialists is taking this opportunity to quickly review some of the...
You’re losing sleep, your throat is in constant pain, and medications and management techniques are proving ineffective. If this sounds familiar, it may be time to consider reflux surgery. Even as surgical experts, we understand that not every problem warrants a surgical solution, but we recognize that there are times...
You’ve been experiencing pain due to a hernia — and the discomfort alone should be reason enough to seek treatment. If relief from the pain isn’t enough of a motivator, however, it’s important to understand that there are risks in not treating a hernia. At Rockwall Surgical Specialists, our team...
You likely don’t give your colon much thought, but when this organ is in distress, it’s a problem that's impossible to ignore. Inflammatory bowel disease, colorectal cancers, and diverticulitis are some of the more common issues that directly affect the health of your colon, and these are conditions that you’d...
The statistics surrounding weight in the United States are concerning: One out of three adults is considered overweight, and another one in three is obese. In other words, more than 70% of adults in this country are carrying potentially unhealthy weight. There are several ways in which you can gain...
There’s no such thing as a crystal ball when it comes to your health, but your body is very good about providing clues. As medical providers, our goal is to identify and read those signs so we can take the necessary steps to safeguard your health. A perfect example of...
Your doctor has determined that thyroid surgery is the best course of action for your health, and you’re understandably anxious. To relieve some of your worry, the highly experienced surgical team here at Rockwall Surgical Specialists take this opportunity to provide you with a glimpse of what to expect after...
You watch with envy as your friends or family savor a delicious meal while you cautiously pick at your plate, wondering whether one bite now will mean a world of discomfort later thanks to acid reflux. You're not alone — one in five Americans has gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). While...
Gallstones are fairly common, affecting 10%-15% of the U.S. population. Of the nearly 1 million diagnoses each year, one-quarter of them require intervention because of symptoms that range from excessive burping to debilitating pain. To help you recognize problematic gallstones, the surgical team here at Rockwall Surgical Specialists pulled together...
You’ve dreamt of the day when you look in the mirror and like what you see or climb up the stairs without panting. Weight loss surgery can certainly help you accomplish these goals, but it’s not a cure-all for everything in your life. Whatever caused your weight gain in the...
There are many different types of hernias, but most have one thing in common — they don’t go away on their own. In brief, a hernia is a condition in which an organ or tissue pushes into an area where it doesn’t belong. This occurs because of a weakening or...
There are times when an organ presents more of a liability than an asset, which is certainly true of your gallbladder. If you need to have gallbladder surgery to remove it because of infection or gallstones, you may have questions about what life will be like immediately after your procedure...
Your thyroid is a very small gland that casts a surprisingly large net over your health. Its primary role is to produce hormones that influence your metabolism, body temperature, and your heart rate, among other things. So when thyroid disease strikes, the effects can be widespread. Our team of experienced...
When it comes to cancer of any kind, early detection and intervention are key. Even better, screening for early, precancerous signs is your best weapon against this insidious disease. Fortunately, we can screen for colorectal cancer through a colonoscopy. While our team here at Rockwall Surgical Specialists excels in handling...
Here at Rockwall Surgical Specialists, as our name implies, our team specializes in surgical solutions for a wide range of problems, from obesity to gallstones. While we can correct some very serious health issues, we also believe that any steps you can take to avoid surgery in the first place...
Gallstones affect 10%-15% of the population in the United States. And of the nearly 1 million people diagnosed with gallstones each year, about a quarter need surgery to remedy the problem. At Rockwall Surgical Specialists, our team of surgeons has extensive experience helping our patients with troublesome gallstones, and the...
The prevalence of obesity in the United States is more than 42%, which puts a good portion of the overall population at risk for some very serious health complications, including diabetes and heart disease. If you’re struggling with your weight, to no avail, bariatric surgery, or weight loss surgery, is...
Millions of people in the United States struggle with digestive issues — from inflammatory bowel disease to acid reflux — that can put serious limitations on their lives. Because the problems involve your digestive tract, it makes sense that what you eat has a direct impact. At Rockwall Surgical Specialists,...
Up to 15% of the population in the United States has gallstones, but, thankfully, only one in five experience any symptoms. Better still, of those who are symptomatic, only 1%-4% experience complications that stem from gallstones, often at the hands of cholecystitis, or inflammation of the gallbladder. Given that 20...
One in three American adults is obese, which puts them at great risk for some very serious health consequences, ranging from diabetes to heart disease. If you’ve tried to gain the upper hand on your weight problem, only to find yourself back at square one time and again, weight loss...
A hernia is a catchall term for a condition in which an organ or tissue pushes through a weak spot in your muscles. While many hernias develop without symptoms, some do create problems, depending upon their size, location, and the organs involved. At Rockwall Surgical Specialists, our team of highly...
Under normal circumstances, your thyroid quietly does it job, sending out hormones that regulate everything from your body temperature to your metabolism. But when something goes awry, the effects can be widespread, disturbing both your physical and mental health. At Rockwall Surgical Specialists, our team of highly trained surgeons understands...
The statistics surrounding chronic acid reflux — also called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) — are certainly eye-opening. To start, between 15% and 30% of the US population has GERD, including babies, children, and adults. And the condition led to almost 5 million hospitalizations as recently as 10 years ago. In...
The human body relies on hormones to regulate every function, from your sleep cycles to your reproductive system. Most of the time, people take for granted that their hormones are getting the job done; it’s not until there’s an imbalance that they become aware of the critical role hormones play....
With about 45% of the population in the United States reporting a chronic disease — and a third reporting multiple chronic conditions — the overall health of the nation is on a downward trend. While there are some diseases patients have no control over, such as congenital conditions, there are...
The gallbladder is rarely on anyone’s radar until something goes amiss with it. This small but mighty organ can cause some major digestive issues when it fails to function properly. Receiving a diagnosis of gallbladder disease can leave you wondering just what is the gallbladder? Read on to learn how...
Men are significantly more likely than women to develop a hernia, specifically inguinal hernias, which occur in your inner groin. The disparity comes down to a small difference in anatomy that finds 25% of men developing an inguinal hernia at some point in their lifetime, while only 2% of women...
A thyroidectomy is a surgery to remove all or part of the thyroid gland to treat various thyroid conditions. Nodules or cysts located on your thyroid are the most common reason for surgery. Other reasons include thyroid cancer and Graves’ disease. What is the thyroid? Your thyroid is a small...
A colonoscopy is one of the most effective tools to prevent, diagnose and treat colon cancer. Each year, roughly one in 20 Americans receive a colon cancer diagnosis, but the rates of death from colon cancer have declined for several decades. Colonoscopy — screening capable of detecting abnormal colon growths...
Diet and exercise alone aren’t always enough to lose a significant amount of weight and keep it off long term. When other methods fail, weight loss surgery offers an effective solution to lose weight and control weight-related chronic conditions. Patients recommended for weight loss surgery typically have substantial excess weight...
Gallstone attacks can bring you to your knees. The sharp radiating pain that commonly strikes after a fatty meal is unmistakable for those who suffer repeat gallstone attacks. Each year, surgeons across America perform more than 700,000 gallbladder removal surgeries — known as cholecystectomies — to treat gallstones and other...
Hernias are a common work-related injury, especially in jobs that require a lot of lifting and physical activity. Before the advent of modern surgery, doctors advised at-risk patients to avoid extensive physical activity to prevent or treat hernias. Today, there’s no need to hang up your hat or change careers...
If you’re like most people, your gallbladder is unlikely to cross your mind until it begins causing problems. Gallbladder issues can cause pain and other prominent symptoms as well as vague symptoms that you’re less likely to realize are caused by gallbladder disease. Learn how gallbladder issues affect your body,...
Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgical approach that has many advantages over traditional open surgery. The surgeons at Rockwall Surgical Specialists are experts in minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery and offer patients the latest advancements in this technique. Learn the benefits of laparoscopic surgery and why it’s a great option...
More than 60 million adults are living with acid reflux, a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and roughly 25 million experience symptoms daily. This can range from a mild uncomfortable sensation to severe burning accompanied by problems swallowing, coughing, or wheezing. While medications are available to address acid reflux,...
Like mammograms, prostate exams, and other health screening procedures, a colonoscopy probably doesn’t rate high on your list of favorite things. However, this relatively quick study, during which you’re sedated, provides invaluable insight regarding the health of your colon and rectal (colorectal) region. It’s probably most familiar as a cancer...
The gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ that’s about 4 inches long. It sits just below your liver in the upper right quadrant of your abdomen. Your gallbladder is not a vital organ, meaning you can live well without it. It does serve a purpose, though: to concentrate, store, and release...
The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland near the base of your neck in front of your windpipe. It produces hormones that help control metabolism and other vital functions you count on every day for good health. Thyroid hormones, for instance, help regulate your blood pressure, digestive processes, and muscle...
When it comes to surgery, there are two words you want to hear: minimally invasive. Under this heading are a number of procedures — endoscopy, laparoscopy, arthroscopy, and robot-assisted surgery — which are all the result of innovative equipment that allows us to perform incredibly complex procedures in small spaces...
1. Establish Realistic ExpectationsBariatric surgery is a life-changing procedure for countless individuals, but it’s important to understand that the surgery isn’t an immediate solution for weight loss. The surgery is intended to shrink your stomach to help you lose weight throughout your journey, but this means you still need to...
Heartburn strikes many people from time to time. Occasional overindulgence causes the condition to flare up, then it could be months or years before it returns. Over-the-counter antacids are often the only treatment needed.However, there are some who suffer from heartburn due to acid reflux on a chronic basis, perhaps...
Colorectal cancer, also known as CRC, is cancer that starts in the colon or the rectum. Sometimes this cancer is referred to as colon cancer or rectal cancer, depending on where the cancer first develops. Although colon cancer is a slow-growing cancer with a five-year survival rate of 92% if...
Over 90% of the nearly 25 million people living with Type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese. Being overweight makes it difficult for your body to control blood sugar by making your cells more resistant to insulin and impacting how well your pancreas functions.Overweight patients with diabetes are finding out...