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Why Your Weight and BMI Are Important Barometers of Your Overall Health

Why Your Weight and BMI Are Important Barometers of Your Overall Health

A recent report sounded a worrisome alarm — the weight problem in the United States, which is already serious, is expected to affect nearly 260 million Americans by 2050 unless people take action.

As healthcare professionals, our team at Rockwall Surgical Specialists understands all too well some of the many implications that carrying too much weight can have on your health. In fact, our general surgery services are often in direct response to obesity-related health conditions, such as gallbladder disease, reflux, and hernias

Because obesity is reaching epidemic levels in the US, we believe it’s important to remind patients about the serious health consequences that can stem from excess weight, which we get into here.

Understanding BMI

First, we want to dive into BMI, which is a primary barometer for a person’s health. BMI stands for body mass index and it’s a representation of the percentage of body fat a person is carrying. Your BMI is calculated using your weight and height, and the numbers break out like this:

To figure out your BMI, you can use this calculator

Health consequences of carrying too much weight

The health issues we list here all include having obesity — a BMI of 30 or higher — as a primary risk factor.

Type 2 diabetes

More than 38 million Americans have diabetes, and 9 out 10 people with diabetes are either overweight or have obesity.

Cardiovascular disease

When you have obesity, it’s a good bet that your eating habits tend toward excess fats. These fats can build up in your blood vessels and create issues with your cardiovascular health, including serious heart disease, which is the leading cause of death in the US.

Fatty liver disease

If you have excess fats in your body, they build up around your liver and lead to liver damage and even liver failure.

Gallbladder disease

The most influential risk factor for gallbladder disease and gallstones is being overweight or having obesity.


If you’re carrying too many pounds, it can lead to premature wear-and-tear in your joints and osteoarthritis.

Sleep apnea

Extra fat can also be stored in the tissues at the back of your throat. When this happens, these tissues can collapse while you sleep and block your airways, a condition called obstructive sleep apnea.

Believe it or not, these conditions are the tip of the iceberg — having a BMI of 30 or higher can impact your health from head to toe, as well as your mental health.

Gaining control over your weight

If you’ve struggled with obesity and tried everything to lose weight, without success, it might be time to consider weight loss surgery, which we offer at Rockwall Surgical Specialists. This type of surgery can help you lose meaningful weight, and keep it off, which can boost your health in myriad ways.

To learn whether you’re a good candidate for weight loss surgery, please contact us today. Our surgeons are located in Rockwall, Rowlett, Greenville, Terrell, and Forney, Texas, and you can call us at 972-412-7700 or reach out to us online to schedule an appointment.

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