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10 Foods That Trigger Acid Reflux

Here at Rockwall Surgical Specialists, as our name implies, our team specializes in surgical solutions for a wide range of problems, from obesity to gallstones. While we can correct some very serious health issues, we also believe that any steps you can take to avoid surgery in the first place are steps well worth taking.

When it comes to acid reflux, which affects approximately 60 million people in the United States to some degree, the problem is directly affected by the foods you eat. With that in mind, here’s a list of 10 foods you’d do well to cut out of your diet to avoid an acid reflux flare-up.

1. Foods high in fat

There are many reasons why you should avoid fatty foods — including acid reflux. Foods that contain high concentrations of fat can exacerbate acid reflux, as fat is shown to relax your lower esophageal sphincter (LES), the muscle that creates a barrier between your esophagus and stomach. 

Additionally, high-fat foods may prompt your body to release the hormone cholecystokinin, which also causes your LES to relax.

2. Spicy foods

Foods that contain a little kick in the form of spices can cause heartburn because these spices often slow down your digestion. Also, if your esophagus is already inflamed, spices can further irritate the tissue.

3. Onions

Another notorious offender when it comes to acid reflux is the onion, which can cause your lower esophageal sphincter to relax. Onions also contain fermentable fibers, which can lead to belching.

4. Carbonated drinks

Sodas and other carbonated drinks can increase the acidity in your stomach and relax your LES.

5. Mint

While people often turn to peppermint teas and the like to soothe gastrointestinal concerns, mint may irritate your esophagus and lead to acid reflux.

6. Milk

Milk and other dairy products are foods that people often assume calm your gastrointestinal tract. In fact, they can do more harm than good by increasing acid production in your stomach.

7. Citrus

The link between citrus — both whole fruits and juices — and acid reflux has been well established.

8. Tomato sauce

Tomatoes are considered acidic, and when they’re in a sauce with added sugars, they can cause your heartburn to flare.

9. Chocolate

The reason chocolate makes people happy is that it causes the release of the hormone serotonin. While the hormone may make you happier, serotonin also causes your lower esophageal sphincter to relax.

10. Alcohol

The final culprit on our acid reflux list is alcohol, which can relax your lower esophageal sphincter and lead to more stomach acid.

If you know, and avoid, your food triggers and your acid reflux still presents problems, we’re here to help. We offer acid reflux surgery in which we tighten your lower esophageal sphincter, which can solve your problem once and for all.

Contact one of our locations in Rowlett, Rockwall, Greenville, Forney, and Terrell, Texas, today to set up a consultation.

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